In order to shop with us, you must have a valid airline ticket/boarding pass. Airline tickets/boarding passes are only used to verify that you are authorised to shop with us.
When you fly to or from Gardermoen, Værnes, Flesland, Sola and Kjevik, you can pre-order your favorites in the online store. Click & collect is a service specially developed to make it easier, faster and more comfortable for you to shop with us. We pack - you pick up the order in a separate pick up point in our stores at the airport. It does not get easier! Read more about Click & collect from the top meny bar.
For some of our products, a deposit is required for return. This only applies to the product when it is brought to Norway. All cans and bottles that are marked with a deposit can be recycled. When you return the product, you will be refunded the deposit amount you paid when you purchased the product. Bottles and cans without a deposit mark, such as glass bottles, are not eligible for deposit. Please recycle glass bottles, aluminium cans and plastic bottles at an environmental station.
The price for plastic bags at airports is two kroner per bag. This is to reduce the unnecessary use of plastic bags. Please help us by using the bag more than once. Feel free to bring a shopping net when you shop with us. 50 øre will go to "Handelens Miljøfond", which works to reduce plastic waste in Norway. The rest of the profit goes to Avinor's environmental fund and earmarked activities under the auspices of Avinor and partners.
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